ECW is proud to be a host of information, resources and connections vital to the work of Education and Care professionals.As the peak Professional Body for the Education and Care Workforce we provide opportunities for education and care professionals to share their knowledge, skills and practice wisdom. Read, share join and contribute to the collective professional wisdom of Education and Care Practitioners.

ECW Updates

A responsive newsletter providing regular professional updates direct to you.  Keeping you informed on matters that will impact on you and your practices.

  • Insights into current and imminent issues of interest to the education and care workforce
  • Useful links to support practice
  • Regular articles, research and learning materials from recognised authorities and prominent professionals in the field to support deeper thinking and critical reflection
  • Practice stories from the field, written by educators for educators. Stories that you can relate to, that will support your practices and inspire you to consider a range of practices in your own contexts

ECW supports Educators to be the Best Educator they can be. We pass on information that you need from a range of sources recognised by our profession.


Check out the latest Highlights

Showcasing Good Practice – Education and Care Practitioner (ECP) stories of good practice.

  • Showcasing Good practice stories and exploring what that looks like on the ground for education and care practitioners on a daily basis is a great way to share knowledge, expertise and practice wisdom
  • To provide additional support, many of the good practice stories will include actual examples of working documents that support the featured practices
  • Supporting good practice also includes posts written by highly skilled and experienced EC professional and specifically designed around topics identified by our members to inform grass roots practitioners to explore and reflect further 
  • Regular stories and posts offer education and care practitioners opportunities to inform practices and assist practitioners to articulate and reflect on quality practice, engage in professional discussions with colleagues, families and communities
  • Members will be invited to share their good practice stories and in return will be rewarded with an ECW voucher to spend on PD or resources through our professional collaborators.

Showcasing Good practices in the field of Education and Care

Stories to inform and inspire your practice

©2025 AECWPB

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