Please use the form below to submit your Good Practice Story. We review all stories before publishing, we will keep you informed of the progress of your submission.

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Suggested guide for your Good Practice Story

  • Title of Story

  • What was your motivation for the practice change? (Describe what was happening then and why you wanted to change what was happening)

  • What were you hoping to achieve?

  • What did you do? Please step this out to make the process visible to others.

  •  Reflections on your practice (What does this look like now e.g practices /provisions/environment?)

  • Body of Story (please include 2-4 images)

  • What were your Successes and Challenges? Explore your challenges what actions you took to over the challenges. Share you successes, what were the benefits? Where they planned for or unexpected?

  • Where to now?

  • Attach any Supporting documentation   e.g policies, samples

  • Going Deeper – We will provide some links to ideas / resources /articles / research/ peaks/recognised authorities/ to support further exploration of this practice.

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